My love for Coach items prompted me to learn how to identify a fake Coach bag when I see one. It's sad that there are so many knockoff Coach bags out there because you can get a real one at a Coach outlet store for under $100. There have been too many times when I've had to bite my tongue because a coworker or acquaintance proudly showed me the great deal she got on her new "Coach" bag. Just because I know how to identify a fake Coach bag, I don't want to sound like a know-it-all by telling her she bought a knockoff. Heck, if she loves the bag, why ruin her day?
To begin with the basics, a Coach serial number should always start with the abbreviation for number, "No." There should also be four numbers after the dash in the serial number, not three. When inspecting the credo patch inside the bag, the paragraph above the serial number should always be in all capital letters. This may sound like common sense, but you can identify a fake Coach bag by looking for the simple signs, such as crooked or off-center print on the credo patch. Coach is a high-quality brand name that doesn't let shoddy details like this pass through their inspection process.
Coach bags are known for their high quality craftsmanship, so when looking for a real Coach bag, it's important to pay attention to the details. Every genuine Coach bag should have a serial number that starts with "No." followed by four numbers and a dash. The credo patch, a square piece of leather sewn inside the bag, should also have the paragraph above the serial number printed in all capital letters.
In addition to the serial number and credo patch, there are a few other ways to make sure your Coach bag is the real deal. The fabric lining should be of high quality and should have the Coach logo printed on it. The hardware should be made of strong metal and feature the "C" logo. The seams of the bag should be neat and even, and the leather should be soft and supple to the touch.
It's also important to pay attention to the price. If the deal seems too good to be true, it likely is. Genuine Coach bags are made with quality materials and craftsmanship, so they come with a higher price tag.
To ensure you are getting a real Coach bag, always buy from an authorized retailer. They will be able to provide you with a certificate of authenticity. Additionally,
While we're on the topic of shoddy details, look at the condition of the Coach bag's stitching. If the stitching appears sloppy or crooked, chances are good it's a fake. Each stitch should follow a straight line and be uniformly sized, meaning you won't see some stitches that are long, while others on the same seam are short. Also, Coach typically doesn't over-stitch the edges or corners of bags to prevent fraying. There are some pretty convincing knockoffs floating around out there, but some manufacturers cut corners when it comes to the tiniest details, like the bag's stitching.
Coach bags usually have a sewn-in label on the interior with the signature "C" pattern. The lining should be made of high-quality fabric, like cotton or satin, and should not be loose or have any rips or tears. The hardware on a genuine Coach bag is usually made of brass or nickel and will have an even finish and color. The zippers should be smooth and have the Coach logo on the zipper pull. The leather on a genuine Coach bag should be of high quality and should not be stiff or have a plastic-like feel. If the bag has an exterior pocket, it should have a tight closure and the logo should be embossed on the pocket.
While there has been some controversy on the internet about the zippers used on authentic bags, you can almost always trust that an authentic Coach bag will have a YKK zipper. I say "almost always" because it's not completely unheard of for Coach to produce bags without this particular zipper. However, it's not really common. Look at the tiny metal zipper pull for an engraved "YKK," which isn't always easy to see. If you can't quite tell, zip and unzip the bag a couple times. Real Coach bags should have smooth zippers that open and close easily.
The YKK zipper is one of the most reliable indicators of a genuine Coach bag. YKK stands for Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha, a Japanese company founded in 1934, and is known as the world's largest zipper manufacturer. Coach bags are usually made with YKK zippers, which are designed for durability and are resistant to corrosion. The zipper pull should also have an engraved “YKK” on it, although it can be difficult to spot. If it’s hard to tell, you can try zipping and unzipping the bag a few times; genuine Coach bags should have zippers that open and close easily.
Sometimes, the telltale signs of a fake Coach bag are the most obvious ones, such as the font of the logo. For instance, the "A" in "COACH" always comes to a precise point. It is never rounded at the top. Also inspect the "C" to make sure each one is uniform and has the exact same shape. Manufacturers of cheap knockoffs sometimes overlook these small, yet important details. Keep your eye on the hang tag because this is a common place for a fake bag's font to appear slightly irregular or misshapen.
The font of the logo is one of the most important indicators of an authentic Coach bag. The “A” in “COACH” should have a precise point and the “C” should be uniform and have the same shape. Fake manufacturers sometimes overlook these details and the hang tag is a common place for a fake bag’s font to appear irregular or misshapen. It is also important to look for the signature "C" pattern on the bag. This pattern is usually a combination of the Coach logo and a repeating "C" pattern. Additionally, the Coach logo should be placed in the center of the bag and should never be crooked or off-center. Finally, the material of the bag should be of high quality and should not have any loose threads or stitches.
Coach never produces bags that have the "CC" pattern on both the exterior and the lining. If the outside of the bag has the "CC" pattern, the lining will not. The bag's exterior must not have any "CC" pattern at all in order for it to be lined with "CC" fabric. Many knockoffs break this rule, so it should be one of the first and easiest things to look for when inspecting a bag for authenticity. Keep in mind that Coach does manufacture bags that don't have any "CC" pattern at all, on neither the exterior nor the lining.
It is important to note that Coach also manufactures bags with no "CC" pattern on the exterior or the lining. Additionally, the Coach logo is usually placed on the outside of the bag, as well as the inside lining. Coach bags may also have a serial number and/or a creed, which can be used to authenticate the bag. The creed is usually a small leather tag on the inside of the bag, which contains information about the bag's production. Finally, Coach bags are made with high-quality materials, such as leather, canvas, and denim, which can help you determine whether or not the bag is authentic.
Look for irregularities with the "CC" pattern. For the most part, a seam will not cause the "CC" pattern of an authentic Coach bag to break because the fabric is matched up on the both sides of the seam. The "CC" pattern always has two horizontal and vertical rows of this pattern, never just one. Plus, the "CC" pattern should be perfectly aligned, both horizontally and vertically. Many times, knockoff bags will have a pattern that is slightly crooked or askew. Look carefully at the "CC" pattern to make sure the horizontal "C" touches the vertical "C," which is always the case on an authentic monogram bag.
When looking for irregularities with the "CC" pattern, be sure to check the alignment of the pattern. It should always be perfectly aligned, both horizontally and vertically, with two horizontal and vertical rows of the pattern. The "C" should always touch the vertical "C". Additionally, the fabric should be matched up on both sides of the seam. Fake Coach bags may have slightly crooked or askew patterns, which can be a tell-tale sign of a knockoff. If the "CC" pattern looks off, it's likely not an authentic Coach bag.
In the past, you could identify a Coach knockoff if it was made in China. Nowadays, that is not the case. Many, if not most, Coach bags are now manufactured in China. Even so, the quality is still very high and there shouldn't be any little white tags sticking out of the liner that say "Made in China." Originally, most Coach bags were made in Italy, but it is probably a whole lot cheaper for production to take place in China, instead.
Although these are the major signs of a knockoff Coach bag, there could be others. Just use your judgment. If the bag doesn't look or feel authentic, it probably isn't. Have you ever inadvertently bought a fake Coach bag?