There are some things every woman should have in her purse. You are heading out. Do you have your bases covered? Do a thorough check of the following. Most can be bought at the local Dollar Store and you won't regret it. Have a big enough purse and be glad you are prepared for anything with these things every woman should have in her purse.
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Perfume
Something that a man will remember you by and definitely one of the most important things every woman should have in her purse.
2. Band-Aids
Just in case you get a cut or a snagged nail.
3. Gum
For fresh breath, especially if you're up close to another person.
4. Drink
Obviously, if you get thirsty, need to take an OTC or want to save money.
5. Hand Sanitizer
You never know where a person's hand has been. If you must shake hands at least you can wash up afterward.
6. Lipstick
For a good touch up in the middle of the day.
7. Cellular Phone
You never know who you will need to call.
8. Spare Pack of Cigarettes and a Lighter
If you smoke, then you know what I am talking about.
9. Aspirin or Ibuprofen
If you are out and about and get a headache, you'll want some relief.
10. Cranberry Tablets
If you are out and about and feel a UTI coming on.
11. Pepto-Bismal
If you get an upset stomach or are queasy, this stuff can be a lifesaver.
12. Coupon Binder
Be prepared ahead of time and have coupons clipped for grocery shopping and saving money.
13. Small Snack
In case you don't want to grocery shop on an empty stomach.
14. Kleenex
In case your nose starts running and you're nowhere near a restroom.
You should get your purse out now and take note of what you need. Also, you just might be helpful to the person who didn't think of these things.
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