Everyone loves a designer handbag, but before spending some major cash on a bag, you'll want to do your research. There's plenty of retailers ready to sell you a fake bag that looks just like the real one. Do you know how to spot a phony? Here are some key tips to help you know the difference between what's real and what's fake.
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1. Attention to Detail
Love is in the details. Each real handbag is thoroughly checked for defects before being brought to stores for sale. Stitches should be perfectly even, threads should be tight, and the bag should be flawless in every way possible. If someone is trying to tell you that it's just a manufacturing defect, which would never happen because there's no such thing, the bag is a fake.
2. Check Zippers, Buttons, and Clasps
Pay close attention to these little details because their quality should be nothing short of perfection. They will have a number or name printed on them. The logo, year, and material used is common on almost every designer handbag.
3. Material Must Be the Finest
Fine, high-quality materials are the only things used in designer handbags. You should question if a bag is authentic if the leather is rough, oily, or sticky. Real bags will maintain their shape and quality for years to come.
4. Pay Attention to the Brand Name
This is an easy one to overlook because most people put a huge focus on the little details. Look at the brand name of the bag. Is the font different, or is the name misspelled? These are huge giveaways.
5. Check the Serial Number
It's impossible to remove a real label because they seal and attach in a special way that if you were to remove it, it would damage the bag. Fakes have stickers that are easily glued to the surface.
To check the serial number of a designer handbag, look for a small leather tag inside the bag. This tag should have a unique serial number that can be used to verify the authenticity of the bag with the manufacturer. Additionally, check for other signs of authenticity such as the bag's material, stitching, and hardware. Genuine designer handbags are made with top-quality materials and have precise stitching and solid hardware. Fake handbags are often made with inferior materials and have sloppy stitching and flimsy hardware.
6. Packaging Should Come with the Bag
Expensive bag? It should have equally expensive packaging, too. It should have no defects at all, and accessories should be packed with the bag. You should never have to pay extra for packaging--if they're wanting to charge, you'll know that the bag is a fake.
7. Characteristics and Distinct Qualities
Each brand has its own distinct qualities. Some brands don't use contrasting colors for the lining and exterior of the bag. Some brands have certain colors that are used in each bag, like Dior, which always uses bright red lining. It's important to do your research so you can easily spot what's missing or not accurate.
It's best to be attentive to detail and know all the ins and outs of your future dream bag before purchasing. Don't be afraid to ask questions and know exactly what you're spending your hard earned money on, because those that are selling a real bag will want you to walk away without any questions. If it's the real deal, the retailer will sell you an authentic bag with zero flaws. What were you most surprised about, and what tips should people know about? Comment below!
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